Outer Space
/ 7 p.m.
/ $10
Ora Cogan is psychedelic gothic country from Vancouver Island.
outerspacearcata@gmail.com /
Web site
The Sanctuary
/ 7-9 p.m.
/ $25 sliding scale
/ $20 sliding scale
The Creative Leap is my system of quantum jumping. It is a living tool that takes you above the noise of your daily life. It is a guided walk into the solutions of your current problems.
822-0898 /
sylee@multiverse-consulting.org /
Web site
The Miniplex at Richards' Goat Tavern
/ 8 p.m.
/ $25
/ $20 limited earlybird online
/ 21+
Beaming in from the sizzling Addis Ababa, Ethiopia nightlife scene, with swirling masinko (one-stringed fiddle), wah-wah violin, bass krar grooves, the heavy riffs of goat skin kebero beats, and powerful mellismatic lead African diva vocals, QWANQWA keeps the people rapt in celebratory attention.
630-5000 /
info@miniplexevents.com /
Web site