Eureka Waterfront Trail - Complete Soon!

Happy Trails | Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014

This morning Emily and I spoke with Miles Slattery, the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Eureka. We discussed the recent funding acquisition from various sources. The entire trail skirting the waterfront of the city of Eureka from the Park N Ride at Herrick/Elk River Road to Tidd Street at the north end of town, a contiguous 6.5 miles of class one trail could be complete by 2016. This only leaves the small section of space between Eureka and Bracut Center to be funded. Granted, that will be the most expensive section as it will be rail with trail and quite narrow. But if all goes well, it won't be long before you can can on a trail from the Park N Ride at Herrick/Elk River Road all the way to Arcata.