the Creative Leap Workshop

The Creative Leap is my system of quantum jumping. It is a living tool that takes you above the noise of your daily life. It is a guided walk into the solutions of your current problems.

We meet your other Self that is grooving the antidote you want to be living. That version gives you clues to how to choose differently in your current life. The clues are tied to your intuition and your belief in your potential beyond your internalized hurdles.

Then we write, riding the inspiration of our quantum jumping meditation. We scribble as if there is nothing holding us back. Doing this cements the messages from your Twin Self living the solution.

The meditation and the writing are used as tools to shift how you choose, how you navigate the world. Every moment you can, you step into the mindset of your Twin Self living in another fantastic multiverse. Through your choices you bring that reality into your current life.

Classes are $20-25 each. Come for one or come for all of them!