Coffee with Corrections

SPACES ARE LIMITED. PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE AT: tinyurl.com/hcsocoffee Coffee with Corrections is a new, free event for the Sheriff’s Office, designed to allow the public to see inside our correctional facility and meet the men and women who make corrections possible. At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to meet Sheriff Honsal and jail staff, ask questions and learn more about our rehabilitation services. The event will start with coffee and a chance for open conversation between attendees and jail staff. Then, attendees will receive a brief presentation about jail operations before taking a tour of the facility. A photo booth will be available to help attendees capture the fun and refreshments will be provided. Tours begin at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility, located at 826 4th Street. Community members who would like to attend this event must pre-register online at tinyurl.com/hcsocoffee or by calling (707) 476-2448. Spaces are limited, so be sure to register soon! Children 12 and under are not permitted to attend this event. For more information about Coffee with Corrections, please visit the registration website, tinyurl.com/hcsocoffee, or call (707) 476-2448.