Alignment to Empower your Practice


Alignment to Empower your Practice
with Peggy Profant



Tuesdays, September 26-October 24 | 5:30-7:15pm

In this playful, 5-session workshop we will learn the Universal Principles of Alignment that will strengthen your practice as well as allow healing and greater ease in the asana poses. These principles and refinements of the principles align your body with it's Optimal Blueprint; a place where your inner body and your outer body are aligned in the best possible way for the energy to flow. Each session will include a philosophical explanation to compliment the physical adjustment. It is an exquisite system of alignment that you can take into all your yoga poses, thus naming it "Universal". Intended for students of all levels. An excellent resource for teachers who want to understand the biomechanics of the body and access a therapeutic methodology for physical adjustments to enhance the yoga experience.



Session 1) Grounding the Sky- Open to the Big Picture and bring it to your physical reality. We set the foundation for the practice with a spacious attitude and we fortify our intentions with active engagement.This is the basis for protecting our joints and allowing a place of stability for the internal expansion to happen.



Session 2) Spiral into your core values- Using the body's natural ability to spiral inward, we connect deeply into the pelvic core allowing a freedom in the hips and relief in the lower back. Great for knees too!



Session 3) Standing Strong- With an emphasis on aligning the lower body and establishing core connection, we set the foundation for freedom of the spine.



Session 4) Trust in the Universal, Deeper expression of the Heart. Upper body alignment supports shoulders, neck and the ability to experience the back body as a source of support for opening of the heart.



Session 5) Allow your head to yield to your heart. Alignment of the the neck and head to ease tension and create a sense of being present.



Highly recommended to take all 5 as they build upon each other.



Price: All 5 sessions, $75. Individual classes, $18