Yoga Alignment Intensive

Take your yoga practice to the next level!

With Robyn Smith and Patrick Harestad

5 Tuesdays, October 18 – November 15: 7:15 – 8:45 p.m.

Deepen your studies and understanding of the postures by delving into the Universal Principles of Alignment in Anusara Yoga. Discover the immense power of these principles to quickly open your body, create balance, and heal your injuries. Plus, learn how Tantric Yoga Philosophy can open your heart to great inner freedom and grace. Each class includes a little yoga philosophy, some partner work in asanas, and lots of practice.

The 5 sessions:

1 – Muscle and Organic Energy: the pulse of contraction and expansion, integrity and openness in vinyasa
2 – Inner and Outer Spirals of the Legs & Hips: Aligning the low back, hips in sun salutes, standing poses, hip openers, back bends
3 – Loops of the Legs: Aligning the ankles, knees and hips in standing and seated poses
4 – Kidney and Pelvic Loops; forward bends and twists; introspection and humility
5 – Shoulder and Skull loops and arm spirals in back bends, heart openers; the Absolute and the Relative

$70 if paid by Oct. 10, $79 after