The Book of Will

It’s 1619 in London, England. William Shakespeare is dead and his best friends, Henry Condell and John Heminges, have just realized that his plays will be lost to time if they don’t do something about it. Together with their friends, family, and even foes, they bring to life The Book of Will - the First Folio of Shakespeare’s plays. Without these people, we would never have fallen in love with Romeo and Juliet, have words like “zany” or “critic,” and no one would know what it is to “wear your heart on your sleeve.”

Just in time for William Shakespeare’s birthday and the 400th anniversary of the publishing of the First Folio, this will be the final show in Redwood Curtain’s current performance space at 220 1st Street in Old Town, Eureka. The Book of Will by Lauren Gunderson opens Friday, April 21st with a gala reception on Saturday, April 22nd. It will play through May 13th with 2 matinee performances on Sunday, April 23rd and Sunday, April 30th at 2pm. Tickets are available on the Redwood Curtain website at www.redwoodcurtain.com.