Talk about Taxing Soda

The Humboldt Food Policy Council will be holding their April Educational meeting, on the topic of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Come hear from campaigners that passed the FIRST "Soda Tax" in the nation - a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages that passed in Berkeley last year. Sugar sweetened beverages, such as soda and sport drinks, are known to contribute to chronic epidemic diseases like diabetes and obesity. Learn how one city took action to reduce their consumption and improve residents' health - and how a local campaign can be created! Our featured speaker will be Martin Bourque. Martin is the Executive Director of Ecology Center in Berkeley, a community-based organization incorporated on Earth Day in 1970, since 2000. Under Martin's leadership, the Ecology Center is leveraging local direct community service programs to have state and national impact. Martin has spearheaded innovative efforts such as creating a farmers’ market industry group, pioneering electronic food stamp access and incentives at farmers’ markets, and passing the nation’s first Soda Tax.