Take Back The Night

Humboldt State University’s Womens Resource Center and North Coast Rape Crisis Team are hosting the annual Take Back The Night. This event for the healing, support, and empowerment for of those who have experienced sexualized trauma while also a time for remembering those who we lost to this violence. Come join us for rally, music, speak out, march, ceremony and vigil. Come stand and march in solidarity against sexualized trauma and violence while fueling seeds of healing for survivors. This is an all accessible event that will be held Friday April 8th 5-11:30pm starting in the Kate Buchanan Room located next to the HSU clock Tower. There will also be a film screening and workshops April 4-8th. For event descriptions, questions, or how you can get involved please contact the Women's Resource Center at hsuwomen@humboldt.edu North Coast Rape Crisis Team 24 hour hotline can be reached at (707) 445-2881 Hope to see you there!