Sci-Fi Pint & Pizza Night: The Monster Walks (1932)

The best in B science fictions movies, drive-in classics, psychotronic weirdness and more. A free raffle before the feature include some very cool, very strange science fiction prizes including figurines, posters, books, cards, VHS movies and more for that inner science fiction enthusiast in us all.Sponsored by Savage Henry MagazineScrap HumboldtPhantom Wave Records, Daisy Drygoods, Vintage AvengerTin Can MailmanThe Clothing DockMEAT Clown Buttons, and more.

Menaced by a killer ape!

On a dark and stormy night, Hero and heroine Rex Lease and Vera Reynolds head to Reynolds’s ancestral mansion to claim her inheritance. Everyone in the house takes great delight in informing the girl that her scientist father died suddenly (the word is repeated at least 20 times in the first two reels). Soon our heroine discovers that she, too, has been marked for death by her maniacal uncle Sheldon Lewis, who is using his deranged son Micha Auer, Auer’s housekeeper-mother Martha Mattox, and a huge and surly ape as his vessels of wrath. ~ Rottentomatoes.