Revitalizing Space: The Hidden Potential of Parking Reform
It’s easy to take car parking for granted. For generations, our cities have required nearly every new building — be it a home, an office, a restaurant, or a bowling alley — to provide off-street car storage, and the result is that parking is so ubiquitous that people only notice it when they can’t find it or have to pay to use it. The impacts of all this parking include higher rents, sprawl, and car dependency, feeding into a vicious cycle of more cars, more parking, wider roads, and more sprawl. The good news is that a simple prescription exists to halt and reverse this condition: eliminate parking mandates, manage on-street parking using pricing, and use the revenues to improve the neighborhood and encourage less driving.
Join us for this free webinar with Tony Jordan, President of the Parking Reform Network ( But be warned, once you see the truth about cheap and abundant parking, you’ll never be the same.
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