Quarter Craze Event

Just wanted to let everyone know about a super fun event coming up benefiting a local youth sports organization Redwood Empire BMX. We are having a Quarter Craze Charity Auction May 30th, 2015 6-9pm-ish. REGISTER HERE: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eb0v1h175e7ed088&llr=ttlwwclab We would love for folks to come out and show their support, have a night out where you don't have to make dinner and can relax...and you could even make it a date night with your other half (there will be beer and wine available for purchase). A raffle with gift certificates from many local businesses will be going on too. This event is ages 14 and up only. There will be a quarter auction, lasagne dinner, as well as a raffle with wonderful donations from several local businesses. If you would like more info about how to help out or have questions about our event, or our track please comment, message Redwood Empire BMX (https://www.facebook.com/RedwoodEmpireBmx?fref=ts&ref=br_tf) or message Amber Buntin​ for more information. Even if you cannot make the event, there are still ways in which you can help support REBMX...just get a hold of us. REBMX is a local non-profit organization with a mission to promote and deliver quality BMX (bicycle moto-cross) programs that stimulate a fun, healthy, competitive environment, emphasizing on good sportsmanship and safety for kids of all ages. More info about our organization and race schedule is available at the following webpage: www.redwoodempirebmx.com Thank you!!!!