Day 1 of Community Conversation. The Community Conversation will bring together Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods teachers and students, local faith leaders, and Humboldt County community members to discuss the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as viewed through multiple lenses. The Community Conversation will encourage intergenerational dialogue and foster compassionate discourse to increase understanding of international events and local impacts. Each evening, speakers will provide short commentary and participants will discuss issues in small groups. All are welcome. A free community dinner will be served on all three nights.
Wednesday September 18 - Arcata Community Center. 321 MLK Drive. Doors open, with free dinner, at 5:30.
Topics: History & Context, Who controls the Middle East? Who pays the bills? Whose Holy Land? What would peace look like?
Speakers: CR President Keith Flamer, Rabbi Naomi Steinberg, Prof. Kathy Lee, Fr. Daniel London, Imam Abubakr.