Goddess Meditation for busy women & moms!

It's always something, pulling you in 5 different directions... Kids, dishes, work, relationships, Your mind swirls with pressures, expectations, obligations Your nervous system is on hyper-alert, Rarely, do you get to experience Satisfaction or Relax. Goddess Meditation is an Invitation to come away from all of that. Come be seen, felt, heard, welcomed. You might feel like spiritual practice is nice - but for other people... You may think that meditation would probably benefit you, but it doesn't really fit... Let's be honest, do you even relate to being a Goddess or very Feminine? Of course Self Care is nice, but sometimes it's just another thing on the list! Goddess Meditation is Permission. Learn to amplify your Life force & conduct energy. Deeply and deliciously connect with Love, within you & from All Around You. Plant the seeds to cultivate your very own practice of personal self connection. Self honoring, Centeredness. Devotion. Goddess Meditation: For busy women and moms to cultivate a personal spiritual practice, with Erica M. Haines. $25 inquiries: 707-599-5056 facebook.com/emhaines