Friends of Dorothy Sexual Diversity Teach-in

You could while away the hours, conversing with the flowers....
OR, you can come to the Teach-in and expaaaaaaand your horizons. This event is an opportunity to open your mind to the wide world of Sexual Diversity. This is a big, crazy world we live in, wouldn't it be great to have the deepen your understanding of it, just a little? Let's start by understanding ourselves and each other, then move on from there.

The Teach-in is an opportunity to open your eyes to new realms of sexuality, while gaining a better knowledge and understanding of LGBT social and political issues, sexual fluidity, BDSM, and much, much, MORE!
Topics and Activities include:
Kilts, Heels, and Eyeliner. Oh My!
Survivor's Guide to Sex
Gaysploitation: The Man Behind the Curtain of LGBT Media
Which Munchkinland Are You From?
Out From Behind the Emerald Curtain
Invisible Role Models
The Please of Pain
We're Not in Kansas Anymore