Crab Crawl

Crab Crawl
Two nights! Friday, January 29th AND Saturday, January 30th 5-9pm

Enjoy the self-guided tour through Downtown and Old Town Eureka’s restaurants and bars with a crab-themed drink
and food specials! Pay as you go, no tickets are sold for this event.

Experience all of the crabby fun with your Crab Crew! Gather your closest friends, family, coworkers to create your
Crab Crew. Dress in crab costumes, tshirts, crab hats, face paint anything crabtastic and have fun. Take pictures and
share them on social media with #CrabCrew. Prizes will be awarded to the best Crab Crew photographs.

STAY TUNED! Maps and participating locations (including specials being offered) will be announced closer to the event.