Birds of a Feather


Bring your favorite pair of binoculars, or a zoom-capable camera, and enjoy the beauty of our North Coast birds. In late August, we observe the gradual disappearance of tropical summer breeders, and the return of overwintering birds from the interior and northern reaches of the continent. Most of the birds we’ll see and hear in the Botanic Garden are birds you might see in your own back yard. Learning the common birds around Humboldt Bay, and what kind of habi-tat they prefer, can be immensely satisfying and fun. You don’t have to know anything about birds to come on this walk. We’ll take our time and discuss how to identify the birds we see. The walk will begin at the Humboldt Botanical Garden greenhouse on Saturday August 26th at 10:00 am.






Jude Power has been birding the North Coast for 20+ years, and leads Audu-bon birding field trips at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary and Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge on a regular basis. She is one of four co-authors of “Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Humboldt County, California,” published in 2005, and par-ticipates in four Christmas Bird Counts in the county every winter. Now that she’s retired from Humboldt County Office of Education, she has time to bird many loca-tions and habitats in Humboldt County, and particularly enjoys observing the ebb and flow of different species through the seasons.



General garden admission. Members are free.



This Series is made possible through a grant by the McLean Foundation. The Humboldt Botani-cal Gardens is partnering with the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge to present monthly educational programs titled “The Birds and Bees Educational Series” focusing on plants, animals and insects of the North Coast Region.