Birding Trip to Potawat Health Village
Join Redwood Region Audubon Society for a free guided field trip to the Potawat Health Village on Saturday, October 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. Mark Morrissette will lead a unique and educational trip. We will be birdwatching and touring the trail system that winds through the integrated landscape surrounding the clinic. Come see the wildlife using the Ku' wah-dah-wilth Restoration Area, organic permaculture garden, and stormwater system that will maintain wetlands on the village conservation easement. Meet in the parking lot at the end of Weeot Road (turn east between the fire department and Mad River Hospital off Janes Road, Arcata). For more information call Mark at 707-502-9589 or Sean McAllister (707-496-8790 /