48th Annual UBNC Toy Run

UBNC is proud to announce our 48th Annual Toy Run, a motorcycle ride for charity. Sunday December 3rd 2023 starting at the Arcata Plaza. Kickstands up at noon and we are riding from the Arcata Plaza to the Vets Hall in Eureka. Come early and meet mingle with motorcyclist of all types.

Everyone is invited to attend so bring a toy to donate for our local youth who are always in need. T-shirts will be available for sale at the event as well. We will be dropping the toys off at the Eureka Veterans Hall and then enjoying a free lunch that is prepared for us by the folks from the Mission.

“The motorcycle community is always helping raise funds and items to help others in need, I feel blessed to be part of it all” said Robert Slater.

Mission Statement-The U.B.N.C. is a collective of organizations and individuals who
are dedicated to the freedom and safety of all motorcyclist. Our goal is to unite motorcyclists
toward the end of helping and supporting local charities within the North state. We serve as a
forum for the dissemination of information regarding safety issues and diligently promote freedom of expression and personal choices for transportation. We are non-discriminating and expect others to follow suit.
"United Bikers of Northern California" Is a Non-Profit 501 (c)3 Tax Exempt Charitable Organization dedicated to doing good things for our communities. The Organization is comprised of hundreds of Bikers throughout the North state, who all agree on one thing, getting along while doing charitable deeds for our communities.
You can join UBNC or support community charities by coming to our events.
You do not have to own a motorcycle to be a member of "UBNC"
You will need to have a "Desire" to "Help" your local charities.
Check out our web-site and then come check us out, you and your family will have a great time.


For more information or questions about this press release,
Jake Dickson

Organizations that we help!

Women’s Shelter at the Mission
Backpacks For Kids
Senior Home Delivered Meals