43rd Annual North Country Fair

Celebrate the changing of the seasons and our community spirit at the 43rd North Country Fair!

Saturday and Sunday, September 17 & 18th, on the Arcata Plaza. 10am to 6pm both days!

Enjoy a variety of handmade arts, crafts and food options while listening to music from local musicians. Check out locally and regionally made clothing, jewelry, sculpture, housewares, apothecary, cottage foods and more! Meet local community groups, enviornmental organizations and other non-profits.

This event is FREE! Please leave your four-legged friends at home.

This year's highlights:
*Enjoy a free kid's craft area sponsored by SCRAP Humboldt- Humboldt's only creative resue center - make something to wear in the parades!
*Samba Parade on Saturday at 1pm, led by Samba da Alegria
*All Species Parade on Sunday at 1pm, led by Arcata Playhouse
*BYO Cup Fairy rewarding those bringing their own cup (no glass) or committing other acts of zero wate goodness!
*3 stages of live music, dancing, martial arts and more
*Wellness Row featuring local heath practioners, chair massage from Arcata School of Massage and yoga from Om Shala Yoga

The North Country Fair is also leading the way in Zero Waste! Bring your own cup (no glass) to fill from free water dispensers or for beer from the booth, or purchase one of our new limited stainless steel pint cups from Kleen Kanteen!

See you at the Fair!

To volunteer with our Zero Waste efforts, sign up here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4cafaa2dabf49-zero or send an email to Nancy at NCFzerowastecrew@gmail.com.

**Artwork by Gina Tuzzi