Mobilizing for California Water Justice

Water is vital to all life on earth yet often is one of our most threatened resources. In California water issues are often polarized and presented as fish versus farmers, but in truth many Californians lack access to clean water and fisheries, but watch as almond fields are prioritized over access to vital water resources for Native Americans and people of color. Advocacy in water protection is often informative about current threats to our water-ways, but this series will be action oriented. We will explore five steps for water justice in California throughout the week and take action to create a more equitable water future for California. Step 5: Undam the Klamath Fri Oct 23 For 16 years, Klamath River Tribes and fishermen have worked with Warren Buffett’s PacifiCorp to remove four dams on the Klamath River. Tribes and PacifiCorp have agreed to remove the dams, and money for their removal has already been collected. Despite this, PacifiCorp and Buffett are now threatening to back out of dam removal due to a recent federal ruling made in July 2020. This goes back on two decades of negotiations and betrays the trust of many Tribal nations and Klamath River communities. We need your help to keep dam removal on track and save the Klamath salmon.