Explore North Coast & HBAC Lecture Series

Explore North Coast and the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center as co-sponsors invites the public to their Lecture Series featuring Shannon Brinkman. Shannon is a seabird biologist for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Arcata Field Office and the North Coast Seabird Protection Network (NCSPN). The lecture is scheduled for Monday, July 9th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921, Waterfront Drive, Eureka. Admission is free. Trinidad is one of the most important areas on the California Coast for roosting and nesting seabird species. The BLM Arcata Field Office along with many incredible partners is spearheading the North Coast Seabird Protection Network (NCSPN) which aims to learn more about the seabird species in Trinidad and how to protect them from disturbance events. The talk will focus on the seabird species in Trinidad, the work the NCSPN has done since it started in 2017, and lastly how the public is getting involved in the NCSPN Citizen Science Program. For more information, visit explorenorthcoast.net or call, (707) 616-0016