Jumanji (1995)

It’s all just a game, right?

In 1869, two boys bury a chest in a forest near Keene, New Hampshire. A century later, in 1969, 12-year-old Alan Parrish finds the chest, containing a board game called Jumanji. Alan takes the game home and after his friend Sarah Whittle arrives, the two begin playing Jumanji. When the dice are rolled, the player’s piece moves by itself and a cryptic message appears in a crystal ball in the center of the board. Alan’s first move causes him to get sucked into the game where he becomes trapped … “until the dice roll 5 or 8. Twenty-six years later, in 1995, siblings Judy and Peter Shepherd move into the vacant Parrish house with their aunt Nora after losing their parents in a skiing accident. Lured by Jumanji’s drumbeats, Judy and Peter discover Jumanji and begin playing the game never finished by Alan and Sarah. When Alan is released when Peter rolls a 5, it soon becomes clear that the trio must find Sarah and finish the game together.